FAQ (3on3goderich.com)

When does the season start and end?

3on3 is a spring weekend league running over a 8 week period starting mid April to Mid June. There are no Easter or May Long weekend games.  

What day will my son/ daughter play?

Teams are expected to play 2-3 games on Thursday or Fridays, with remaining games taking place on Sunday's.
Please view the Schedule tab for further breakdown of game times.

How much does it cost?

All player fees are $210.00 ($186.00 + HST)
As a Coach, you can reserve you teams spot for $210 ($187.00 + HST).  Each player registers individually after the coach has initiated the team.  Please ensure all players indicate the team name during registration (ex. Maple Leafs)
Online Registration payments are subject to a $8 PayPal surcharge.

E transfers of $210 can be sent to [email protected].  Please use the answer 'hockey' and indicate your players name and division in the message section.

Do you offer girls only divisions?

We do not currently offer a girls only division.  Individual registrations are accepted and will be placed onto an appropriate team.

Can I register a team and, if so, how?

Yes. The coach/contact person should proceed to Online Registration and complete the fields with the contact's information.  PLEASE CHOOSE A TEAM NAME AND SHARE WITH ALL TEAM MEMBERS.
Players placed onto an existing team will be required to register and make full payment ASAP in order to confirm their roster position.
The teams players will be expected to register individually, and include the Coach or Team Contact, and Team Name
Teams will consist of MINIMUM 9 skates and 1 goalie.  We recommend adding extra skaters to a MAXIMUM of 12.

Can my son/daughter play with their friend(s)?

Yes. Please indicate on the Registration form who "I'd like to play with:"
We will make every effort to accommodate your request but it cannot be guaranteed.

My child has never played 3on3, what are the rules?

3on3 is best described as 'organized pond-hockey'. The referees are very vocal and will assist the players on the ice. Please review our rules on this website.

Can I volunteer to coach or assist on the bench?

Absolutely. After you have registered, email us at [email protected]; stating your interest to help your son/daughter’s team. You will be contacted with details.
Coaching staff does not need formal qualifications.  This is a good opportunity for all parents to volunteer and allow the regular coaches a chance to sit back!
Minimum 2 bench staff and maximum 3.  18 Years and older.

What level is the hockey?

We accept all levels of players and hope to develop an even playing field.  Ideally the league is built around Local League and Rep calibre players.
3on3 Goderich is hoping that teams consider a competitive balance for all participants. Please don't "Stack Your Team".

I submitted the online form and received a confirmation, but haven’t heard from a coach?

Not to worry; your confirmation assures your spot. All players will be contacted after Registration and team lists are finalized. You will be contacted by email indicating the team that your son/daughter has been placed on.

For further information please review all of the tabs on our website. If you still have any questions, please don't hesitate to call or email . Contact info is available under the contact tab from the main page.